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Read More about this safari issue.Hunter is a 7 year old who has been gluten free since he was 6 months old. We tried to do a mixed gluten and gluten free household until we realized how difficult cross contamination was with young kids. After we went 100% gluten free for Hunter, I found out that I had Celiac Disease, too. In 2008, we went gluten free to save Hunter’s life (and mine). Literally, gluten free living saved his life! He went from a baby in the 99th percentile down to 1st percentile in 2 months with gluten. He stopped being able to sit on his own due to loss of muscle tone. Once he was gluten free it all turned around! The answer seemed like a lifesaver until Hunter got older. He began noticing what he was missing out on when he started school. I make most of our food homemade. I work hard to make all those beloved kids foods. However sometimes we all just want to go somewhere that we can all have whatever we want and relax. Somewhere that I don’t have to immediately rush my husband and two other sons to the bathroom to wipe crumbs off of them, wash their hands and face before coming in contact with those of us gluten free.
Imagine going to a restaurant, looking at a limitless menu, and being told you can have just 1-3 items on it. Gluten free is like that sometimes. Many places have jumped on the gluten free bandwagon but the risk of cross-contamination or lack of options gets in the way. The first time we took Hunter to Dempsey Bakery we didn’t tell him that it was gluten free. He walked in looked around and looked kind of disappointed. He looked at me and asked that common question “What can I have?”
This question is often dreaded. As an adult, I understand how gluten has affected me over the years. I can tell him but at 7 all he really knows is that he is different. I was overjoyed to be able to say anything you want! He had never heard that outside of the house. As an added note: Kids with Food Allergies Fun Group is conveniently hosted at this delightful bakery.
Dempsey Bakery is a gluten free bakery located in Downtown Little Rock. It has become our Saturday morning treat when we are out running errands. Saturday mornings are our favorite because Dempsey Bakery has fresh cinnamon rolls and danishes only on Saturdays. There is nothing quite like fresh cinnamon rolls and Dempsey Bakery’s definitely hit the spot!
Dempsey Bakery is gluten free, nut free and soy free. If you have egg or dairy allergy, please pay attention to the packages because they have stickers to help you find egg and dairy free options as well. There are also danishes ranging from cream cheese and berries to even savory ham, bacon, and cheese danish that my husband loves!
Dempsey Bakery may be great for those with food allergies and restrictions. However everyone is welcome to come enjoy all that Dempsey Bakery has to offer from fresh lunches, baked goods from indulgent desserts to cookies and mixes to help make cooking easier at home! Paula Dempsey that owns the bakery is an amazing and sweet lady. If you have any special requests or celebrations, let her help you!
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