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Read More about this safari issue.Arkansas is called the Natural State for a reason. Many people travel here to vacation and enjoy the outdoors of our state. I’m so thankful to live in Arkansas and have access to all it has to offer as my backyard playground. But to enjoy the Arkansas Outdoors, you will need a few things to get you started. Check out this Arkansas Outdoor Gear Guide and start planning your next Arkansas adventure!
These hammocks are all the rage right now. They are quick and easy to set up and easily pack down into a small carrier. You can use them for just lounging at a park reading a book or take them with you camping. Kids and adults both love these! You will find these being used on college campuses as well as by the avid Arkansas outdoorsmen.
Hiking Shoes
My favorite brand of hiking shoes is Merrell. If you plan on being an avid hiker this summer, I promise that real hiking shoes make all the difference and are definitely worth the investment.
If you are going to be hiking or backpacking in Arkansas it is a must to grab a copy of Arkansas Hiking Trails and start planning a trip. This book has been our most useful guide for our hiking and backpacking trips.
Running Shoes
Arkansas has an excellent running community. Check out www.arkansasrunner.com to find a local race near you! Grab a pair of good running shoes and lace up to support a local cause.
Durable Sandals
Chacos are my favorite sandal to wade through creeks with when going on mini adventures with the family. One of their favorite places is at Collin’s Creek in Heber Springs which is also a popular picture spot in Central Arkansas.
If you live close enough to a river then I would highly recommend making the investment in a kayak or canoe so that you can enjoy lazy afternoons on the river with friends and family. But, if you don’t live close enough to justify purchasing one for yourself, make sure get out and rent one this summer and spend a day on the Buffalo or Spring river.
While you are out on your kayak or canoe you might as well get your fishing license and enjoy the lakes and rivers of Arkansas. Kids will love this!
Now, I do go through my fair share of cheap sunglasses every summer. But for enjoying an Arkansas outdoor adventure I suggest grabbing at least one good pair that are polarized so you can avoid the glare and some that are non-slip so you can be active without fear of losing your shades.
You will get hot hanging around outside, so it’s important to keep hydrated. My favorite is a Nalgene Water Bottle. They are BPA free and practically indestructible. This bottle is ideal for camping, backpacking, and hiking.
When taking on backpacking in Arkansas, it is a must to invest in a backpacking backpack. Backpacking is much different from camping, so it’s important to have the right gear for what you are doing. A backpacking backpack helps distribute the weight more evenly on your hips rather than on your shoulders. This becomes extremely important when you’re hiking 25 miles on a 3 day hike with 30lbs on your back. My favorite brands are Osprey and Kelty.
I recently wrote about our Mountain Biking adventure, and am now convinced that everyone in Arkansas needs to experience it at least one time. Click on the link to find a list of several trails in Arkansas.
These are great for kayaking, fishing, and biking. Just mount it and make great Arkansas adventure videos for you to show your friends and post on social media as well as First Security bank’s Facebook Page and tag them on instagram with your video!
This might be one of my favorite pieces of outdoor gear that I won’t leave home without. A spi-belt is handy for holding your phone and keys while you are out enjoying the outdoors. You need one of these.
And for a bonus – –
This might be the most important piece on the list. Find a local business to support and grab an Arkansas shirt to wear on all of your adventures! Represent well!
Here are some great places to pick up outdoor items in Arkansas.
Beyond Boundaries
Searcy, AR
Gearhead Outfitters
Jonesboro, AR
Little Rock, AR
Ozark Outdoor Supply
Little Rock, AR
Gellco Outdoors
Fort Smith, AR
Rogers, AR
Ouachita Outdoors
Hot Springs, AR
Townsend Outdoors
Hope, AR
Pat Rack Outdoor Center
Fayetteville, AR
Gander Mountain
North Little Rock, AR
Rogers, AR
Bass Pro Shops
Little Rock, AR
Academy Sports and Outdoors
Sherwood, AR
Little Rock, AR
Rogers, AR
Fort Smith, AR
Jonesboro, AR
Fayetteville, AR
If you are looking for a place to whisk your family away for a whole weekend full of Arkansas Outdoors, Check out Byrd’s Adventure Center.
Now go and plan an Arkansas Outdoor weekend! Enjoy!
What would you add to this list as a must have to enjoy the Arkansas Outdoors?
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