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Read More about this safari issue.When did you last drive around your community with your eyes lifted? Looking around, eyes up and blinders down to what’s happening around you?
When was the last time you wondered about the story of a stranger next to you in a restaurant or coffee shop? Did you wonder where they are from or what happened in their world this morning?
Matt Newman has constantly challenged me to look at the world differently. More importantly, I want to contemplate building a genuine community with the people around me. Conversations with Matt often point me back to one thing – do you know what’s going on in their world, like really going on? Have you spent time learning their story, and do they know yours?
In his recently released book “Good in the Hood,” Matt challenges readers through practical knowledge of genuine relationships built through ministry and community with his neighbors. Over the last decade as a pastor, Matt and his family have been on a proximity journey, which is practically the easiest way to get to know people and is how communities have been built from the beginning of time.
Through “Good in the Hood,” Matt walks us through looking at the social problems around us, learning the agents involved, meeting the people in the streets, and working toward solutions to cultivate change.
Matt was among the first to teach me that people are not projects. I’m not an obligation to another person trying to get to know me, and overly pursuing another person should not be on my to-do list. Instead, building an authentic community where I am, with the people around me, is the greatest gift as I raise a son and create a life for my family right where we are.
As we define the concept of “poverty,” it’s important to work from a consistent mindset regarding the topic. Helping the vulnerable in your community includes focusing on those at or below the societal definition of the poverty line and representing overlooked and undervalued groups.
In 2024, the FPL, or Federal Poverty Line, is $31,200 for a family of four or $15,060 for an individual. In Arkansas, the basic cost of living is $46,000 for a family of four and $18,000 for a single adult. As you can see, many in Arkansas fall into the ALICE space, an alignment structure that measures the difference between what people make and what it costs to live. In Arkansas, 24% live in this place.
While citizens cannot resolve all the issues, our availability and vulnerability can transform lives in our community.
Community is the core value many of us crave and is the bottom-line value premise for people from all walks of life. But it’s not the only piece of the solution triad. His team at Samaritan Church in Springdale identified three components that help communities work toward poverty solutions.
So, what does this look like?
Matt often employs the A-T-T method to start conversations. When he’s nervous approaching or encouraging someone different from his norm, he starts noticing accents, tattoos and t-shirts. Using any of these to start a conversation usually eases tensions and gets someone talking about things that make them feel comfortable. When all else fails, ask someone how they spent their day today, but be prepared to listen to the answer!
Anyone. Yep, YOU!
You are probably the kind of person who wants to help people – that’s why you’ve read this far! But lifting your eyes and being practical about how you see needs in your community invites you into the process.
This is not a box-checking selfie-snapping lifestyle (yes, lifestyle). Instead, you put your phone down, sit across the table from someone and get to know them, even if they burp during lunch, have an odd odor, or can’t quite make sense of the stories they share. A smile is shared in most languages to drop walls and break barriers.
What’s at risk?
Now that you’re thinking, decide on your next step. This kind of work is like running a marathon. It won’t happen tomorrow; it takes time. To be an official race, there must be runners, people passing out refreshments, and sponsors who make it official. Time to get in the race and do some Good in the Hood!
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