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Read More about this safari issue.We’ve had a great summer of newly released books, but now that fall is coming it’s going to be too cold for beach reads. So, let’s get ready to pick some apples, pumpkins and a few of these good books that are being released this month from The University of Arkansas Press, the scholarly press of the state of Arkansas. Founded in 1980, it aims to serve Arkansas and the region by producing books for the academic community and residents of the state. The press publishes poetry, fiction and nonfiction on such subjects as Arkansas history, Middle Eastern studies, sports and more.
Hagar Poems by Mohja Kahf
Mohja Kahf was born in Damascus, Syria, to parents who immigrated to the United States in 1971. Her latest collection of poems explores the story of Hagar, Abraham and Sarah, the ancestral feud that led to the splintering of Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
The poems also highlight other ancient stories, such as those of Mary and Moses, and, from early Islam, Fatima and Aisha. These stories are sometimes placed in a modern context and explore the roles of modern women in a variety of relationships.
You Are Here: Poems New & Old by Leon Stokesbury
After 50 years as a published poet, Leon Stokesbury has received the Poet’s Prize and won the AWP Poetry Competition, but with this selection of new and collected works he proves that he can still surprise.
From a county carnival sideshow to Hitchcock’s Mount Rushmore, from John Keats’s backyard to the miseries of a failed crematorium operator, every page reveals something new, by turns humorous, insightful and keenly observing of the world.
The New Babel: Toward a Poetics of the Mid-East Crises by Leonard Schwartz
This collection of poetry, essays and interviews by the host of the radio program “Cross Cultural Poetics” takes a Jewish-American perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, America’s role in the Middle East and Afghanistan and explored how poetics can respond to political events.
Distinguishing the Righteous from the Rougish: The Arkansas Supreme Court, 1836-1874 by J. W. Looney
During the antebellum and Civil War era, the Arkansas Supreme Court shaped policy and society in the state through paternalism and attempts to accommodate the interests of the elites by upholding the institution of slavery.
This book explores how the court’s upholding of the status quo for the “righteous” social and political classes came at the expense of broader economic development in the state and is a valuable resource for Arkansas history scholars.
Baltimore Sports: Stories from Charm City edited by Daniel A. Nathan
Baltimore is a city full of stories, and full of sports stories in particular, as the birthplace of stars ranging from Babe Ruth to Michael Phelps.
This wide-ranging essay collection covers the teams, fans and athletes of Charm City, from the Orioles and the Ravens to the Dunbar Poets, considered by some to be the greatest high-school basketball team ever.
Man of Vision: Arkansas Education and the Legacy of Arch Ford by Cindy Burnett Beckman
Arch Ford served as commissioner of the Arkansas Department of Education from 1953 to 1978, shaping the education of young people in the state for generations. His aim was to expand educational opportunities through increased funding of schools, producing better-qualified teachers and paying teachers more.
He led the state through desegregation and the establishment of the state’s educational television network, development of a top economics education program, establishment of Arkansas Children’s Colony to provide education to developmentally disabled students and more, all of which is explored in this book, produced by Butler Center Books and distributed by the Press.
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