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Read More about this safari issue.This winter’s weather might be a doozy, and with a busy toddler at home, I’m bracing for cozy weekends stuck indoors. While my daughter has plenty of toys and books, backup plans are necessary when spur-of-the-moment adventures aren’t an option. Here’s my go-to list for turning cabin fever into creative fun for toddlers.
Books are a hit in our house, and a fresh stash from the library can be a lifesaver. Create a special bin for library books to keep them safe from idle, paper-ripping hands. Bonus idea: pick out snow-themed stories to spark imagination for future snow day adventures. If you go all in with animated voices, keep some warm apple cider handy to soothe those vocal cords.
Bonus: here’s a great list of cozy winter reads for kids by Arkansas authors!
While others stockpile milk and bread, I head for birdseed. Winter weather is tough on our feathered friends, so we sprinkle seeds near the windows and enjoy hours of bird (and squirrel) watching. It’s a simple, interactive activity that brings the outdoors in for toddlers or any age.
Nothing beats the magic of a good blanket fort. Flashlight storytime, hiding from the Tickle Monster, or even snack breaks become instantly more exciting. Essentials include:
When I need a moment to breathe, Daddy takes over with these go-to activities:
Mix equal parts cornstarch and dish soap, add food coloring, and let the creativity flow on windows or shower walls. Cleanup is a breeze, and rinsing the “paint” away can double as bath-time fun.
With the right playlist, chores can be turned into a giggle-filled event. Elvis’s “Heartbreak Hotel” and Elsa’s “Let It Go” are unstoppable motivators at our house. Challenge your toddler to tidy up before the song ends for an energetic, playful cleanup session.
In our kitchen, pizza-making is a team favorite. My daughter spreads marinara, sprinkles cheese and arranges pepperonis (while sneaking bites). Making dumplings for chicken stew is another hit, with her safely adding dumplings to the pot while I assist. Bonus for mom: she’s also an excellent salad mixer.
Set up a sink of warm, soapy water with plastic bowls, measuring cups, and spatulas. While your toddler “washes,” you can tackle the real dishes next to her.
With Christmas packed away, we’re channeling our creativity into Valentine’s Day. We’ll craft cards and love notes for family members and have them ready for delivery at our next gathering.
Are you unsure you’ll remember all these ideas? Save this list to your phone now, and you’ll be ready when the snow starts falling!
With a little planning, a snowy weekend indoors with your toddlers can feel like an adventure. Stay warm and make memories!
If you want to venture out with the family this winter, here are some great ideas for activities in Arkansas.
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