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Read More about this safari issue.Date nights are crucial for maintaining a strong and healthy relationship, but they can be challenging to schedule when juggling work, and other commitments. Here are a few date night ideas you can incorporate into your busy routine now that your family is back in your “School year” mode.
Elevate your cooking experience by venturing beyond recipes and creating your own dish. This allows you to learn new techniques, explore different flavors, and bond over a shared activity. Set the mood with candles and savor your culinary creations together. Another take on this could be to find a cookbook to cook through together or tackle a different technique each month.
Exercise together to reduce stress and enjoy each other’s company. Explore nearby parks and trails or stroll around your neighborhood. If you have bikes or scooters, use them to discover your city in a fun and active way by visiting a greenway or bike trail. But it can also be effective to walk in your neighborhood while kids work on homework or get up early on a Saturday morning or before work and stroll and reset your day.
Planning a weeknight date gives you something fun to think about all day, and you look forward to getting home to be with your partner.”
Go back and revisit a series you loved when you started dating. Or, choose a decade from your childhood and rewatch your favorite films. Write out random years on a sheet of paper. Cut them apart, fold them, and put them in a cup. Draw a slip and watch the top film from that year. Another option is to keep a shared note together on your phone where you keep a running list of films you’d like to catch. And, when film awards season begins, watch all the movies together so you know who to cheer for.
Pack a picnic basket filled with your favorite snacks, sandwiches and beverages. Head to a scenic park or nature area and enjoy a leisurely meal outdoors. Engage in conversations or talk about your week ahead. Maybe pick a new topic to discuss in a weekly “popcorn” conversation. If you have littles, this feels hard. Try putting them in the living room on a beach towel for their own picnic and you can have one-on-one conversations at the dinner table. You can also just picnic in your backyard!
Engage in a game that encourages laughter, competition and bonding. Board games, card games, video games, and charades are just a few options. Choose a game that aligns with your preferences and spend quality time challenging each other. Or, maybe pick up a new game and learn it together. Skipbo and evening drinks are a favorite fall experience on our patio table.
Explore your city’s cultural offerings by checking local calendars for free or low-cost events like concerts, art exhibitions and festivals. This is an excellent opportunity to support local businesses, foster new interests and create lasting memories together. Main Street Districts often host downtown extended hours or live music nights, where local businesses partner or stay open late. Fall is an excellent time for feature events; with pumpkin season and cooler temps, gardens will host chef events.
It’s OK to get a babysitter on a school night!”
Enjoy a cozy and intimate date night by staying home and cuddling. Order takeout from your favorite restaurant, choose a movie or TV show and snuggle up together. This is a perfect way to unwind, reconnect and cherish each other’s company. Set this as a tradition where kids go to their room early and know that mom and dad are having a date at home. They love the tradition of a snack in bed and extra reading time. The quiet time before bed will often help them rest better as well.
Dates don’t have to occur in the evening. Meet up for a lunch date and recharge in the middle of the day. Set this as a recurring time and either always go to your favorite place or pick something new you’ve wanted to try. It’s easier to have quality time when the kids are crawling on you or trying to pick food off your plate. Put your phones down and try to focus on each other. Read a book together and use this time to talk about what you are learning.
Plan. Prioritize. Remove. Enjoy.
PLAN the date. Put it on your calendar.
PRIORITIZE the time. Like a doctor’s appointment or important meetings at work, don’t let other things bump this time.
REMOVE distractions. Let your people at work know you are in an important meeting and when they can expect you back. Put the phones down and concentrate on being fully present on your date. It may also be more convenient to wait until the kids are in bed to start your date. Or, let older kids know you are here, that you are on a date and the reasons you allow interruptions.
ENJOY your time together. Sit across the table from each other or side by side in a booth, and use the time you have set aside to spend time together.
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[…] School Night Date Ideas […]
[…] a list of vacation ideas on my phone all the time. Sometimes, this is how my husband and I find conversations on dates that don’t revolve around our kids or work. Or, it’s how we spend extended time in the […]