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It’s estimated that the number of coffee drinkers in the United States hovers somewhere around 100 million people per day. At approximately 3 cups per day, that means Americans are consuming right at 3 million cups of coffee in a single 24-hour period. I don’t know about you, but I think I probably contribute to the higher end of that number!
It isn’t hard to see why people are drawn to this delicious, flavorful, versatile beverage. The caffeine is, of course, a huge bonus but with the intense flavor and the way that it pairs well with food are also partly to blame for popularity. Throw in the community feel of coffeehouses large and small, and you have yourself a winning combination. Plus, in the dead of winter, there just is not much that’s more comforting than cozying up with a hot mug of coffee in hand.
A trend that has been around for a few years and is quickly gaining traction is the idea of pour over coffee. In essence, you can brew a rich, aromatic single serving of coffee quickly and efficiently. Some argue that you get more flavor from the pour over method than from a standard coffee pot or percolator. Grinding your beans in-house, just moments before brewing, is another surefire way to make sure that your next cup is packed with flavor and smells like a dream.
The key to understanding the perfect pour over coffee lies in your ability to be a little patient because you are now the coffee making machine – not an actual machine. Wetting the coffee grounds first with just enough water is key to releasing carbon dioxide. Then a gentle and even, although quick, pour over the rest of the grounds comes next. One to two minutes later you should have a perfect cup of coffee ready to drink as you like it, although I will be the first to say it is perfect with no other additives!
Serves 1
Not in the mood to make your own? Or are you looking for a great coffee shop with that perfect atmosphere to enjoy coffee, study, read, or all three? I asked some Arkansas Women Bloggers what their favorite Arkansas coffee shops are. Here are the TOP 14 (there were so many to choose from, what is your favorite?)!
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