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Read More about this safari issue.We Arkansans live pretty humid-weathered lives. We dream of snow, but we really don’t cope well with the cold. Seriously, this southern gal is not built for this. But, here it is. Right now, we have over 9 inches on Petit Jean Mountain and projecting -4 degrees tonight, for the love. The kids are all in virtual school so that means after that last online discussion, they’re outside and ready to enjoy the beautiful snow. That also means moms are washing 12 extra loads of clothes and trying to find some warm, fun games for when they are inside warming up drinking their hot cocoa.
Want a fun, delicious way to create fond memories of the February 2021 Snowpocalypse? Then let’s make SNOW ICE CREAM. It takes just a couple minutes and is such a special treat.
When it starts to snow, place a large, clean bowl outside to collect the flakes. While it is filling, here are some fun ideas for the kids:
Hopefully, the bowl is full now.
You will need:
Directions for Snow Ice Cream: Pour condensed milk over bowl of snow and add vanilla. Mix to combine. Eat immediately (by a fire)!
For chocolate snow ice cream, add 5 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder. And, add sprinkles, yes, always add sprinkles.
Stay safe, stay warm, round 2 is on its way. Have mercy.
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[…] points if you can convince your neighbors that it’s a secret family recipe. Check out our Snow Ice Cream post for the complete […]