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Read More about this safari issue.Arkansas is home to many bird species, even through the winter. Birding in Arkansas and attracting birds to your backyard during the winter or any time of the year is a rewarding experience. With a little effort, you can create a space that helps birds survive the colder months and provides endless entertainment for you and your family. One of the best ways to do this is by crafting a winter bird tree—an activity that’s fun for all ages and beneficial for our feathered friends.
Our winter bird tree tradition began a few years ago, shortly after we took down our Christmas tree. We had moved the tree to the front yard and planned to take it to one of the Arkansas Game and Fish tree drop-off locations. (Did you know they will turn your old tree into a fish habitat?) But, as the tree sat in the yard, we noticed it became a favorite location for the birds. Arkansas is home to many winter birds, and so many have landed on the branches and hidden in the greenery. We started sprinkling birdseed on the ground around the tree, and the birds kept coming. The whole family enjoyed looking out the front window to watch the birds give our old, dry Christmas tree new life.
Moving a dead Christmas tree into the front yard isn’t always possible or practical. We took the same idea but moved on to some trees in our front yard and began decorating them with various bird-friendly treats throughout the winter.
To create your bird tree, observe your yard to see which trees or areas birds naturally frequent. Any tree can be transformed into a bird-friendly sanctuary, but choosing a spot already popular with local birds will yield the best results. The key is to provide a mix of food, shelter and water sources to make the birds feel at home.
Attracting birds to your yard is really only the first step. To ensure the health and safety of the birds and that they keep coming back, it’s important to remember a few things:
Creating a winter bird tree is a fun activity that can lead to learning and enjoyment for your whole family, but the fun doesn’t have to stop there. Take time to observe and enjoy the variety of birds that visit. For more tips, check out our other bird articles to learn more about Arkansas birds and download our free printable bird-watching journal to keep track of your sightings.
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