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Read More about this safari issue.John C. Maxwell says one of the best moves you can make for achieving all you want in life is to ask people, “Who do you know that I should know?” You are only as good as the people with whom you surround yourself.
One of the people I know who you should know is Stuart Dalrymple. Stuart is a homegrown commercial real estate professional. He has a knack for helping other entrepreneurs identify the obstacles in their lives or businesses. Then he helps them strategize how to get closer to where they want to be.
Stuart spent several years in the media business after attending the University of Arkansas. After working for a newspaper chain as retail advertising manager, Stuart founded Arkansas Media Enterprises, a publisher of several publications. He sold his interest in 1989, deciding to pursue a career in real estate. He bought an existing real estate company, which later became Dalrymple Real Estate.
Over the years, Stuart began investing back in the community and state that had been so good to him. He was a recipient of the Arkansas Community Development Award. And as a token of appreciation, he received a Key to the City of Searcy. Stuart was a co-founder of Arkansas Holiday of Lights; Arkansas Economic Development Commissioner; President of the Searcy Regional Economic Development Commission and several other boards and projects throughout the city and state. He says his greatest accomplishment is serving in leadership development capacities at New Life Church of Arkansas where he attends the Heber Springs Campus.
With a passion for helping others achieve their dreams, Stuart began moving into the arena of coaching and mentoring. He received his John Maxwell Certified Coach and Mentor certification in 2016. He quickly decided he had found a new path where he could use his life’s experiences helping others. In January of 2018, Stuart and his team brought a highly successful leadership and networking event to Searcy called LIVE2LEAD.
Dalrymple said, “I knew early on that the only way I was going to achieve my dreams was to gain all the knowledge I could by surrounding myself with great mentors. I wanted to gift the LIVE2LEAD opportunity to my hometown. I was very fortunate and blessed in my life to have valuable mentors who were critical to my success. The least I can do is share the things they have taught me with those who will come after me.”
He added, “I deeply believe that every entrepreneur or leader can easily find themselves stuck because I’ve been there, too! Sometimes, we need to unlearn some of the bad habits that have been ingrained in us over the years that do not add value to what we do and replace them with habits that will help us achieve at a higher level of success. I enjoy helping others identify those habits that are holding them back and then learn new behaviors that will take them to the next level.”
Mark your calendars for the second annual LIVE2LEAD: Searcy on Thursday, January 17th, 2019 at New Life Church.
Speakers for this year’s rebroadcast of LIVE2LEAD include:
Dalrymple said, “My goal with this entire mentoring and coaching journey, and with LIVE2LEAD is, as a community, we re-train the way we think; to unlearn some of the old habits that do not add value and to our lives; and bring forth new ideas and perspectives helping us to achieve the next level. Collectively, we can chart our own course rather than follow one someone else put in place for us to follow.”
We would love for you to join us. For tickets and more information visit https://live2leadsearcy.eventbrite.com.
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[…] Searcy and John Maxwell Team coach and mentor Stuart Dalrymple before and you can access that here: https://onlyinark.com/events/john-c-maxwell-live2lead-event-searcy/, but this event is different. It is bigger and better than […]