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Read More about this safari issue.Searcy has been the center of much attention regarding community development and small business owners. With Deluxe Corporation’s Small Business Revolution efforts and the launch of their streaming show Main Street, many eyes are on Searcy right now. Small business owners everywhere are watching Main Street and learning some great tips for running a business and becoming an influencer in their communities.
But none get me more excited than Live2Lead. Live2Lead is a John Maxwell Team leadership conference held in Atlanta, GA every October. I’ve written about Live2Lead: Searcy and John Maxwell Team coach and mentor Stuart Dalrymple before and you can access that here: https://onlyinark.com/events/john-c-maxwell-live2lead-event-searcy/, but this event is different. It is bigger and better than ever.
Dalrymple takes leadership and operating a business straight to the heart. He tells it like it is and shares, “the key to success is developing self-awareness. If you are not aware of what is holding you back, then you are probably the reason your business is not growing.” It’s his passion to develop stronger leaders that brings Live2Lead to Searcy year after year.
Why do I love Live2Lead so much? There’s not an event in Searcy where nearly 200 leaders and entrepreneurs gather to listen, learn, discuss, and be blown away by five internationally recognized figures that we couldn’t otherwise hear together. In the lobby before the event, there’s an energy of expectation. We all know the event will change something for us. We get to learn a new strategy that will help us hire the right person, invest in the right person, or be mentored by the right person. At the mid-morning break, we get to pick each other’s brains about what that one speaker said that really hit home with us. And at the end of the half-day experience, we’ll leave with a plan to overcome that obstacle we’ve been stuck with for months—maybe even years!
In the afternoon, those who purchase VIP Think Tank tickets will share a private catered lunch and Think Tank session facilitated by Dalrymple. Participants will share their leadership and entrepreneurial challenges with a panel of seasoned professionals. Come ready to ask questions and share best practices in this discussion-based session.
VIP Think Tank panelists include:
When: Thursday, November 14th, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. VIP Think Tank Session begins at 1:15 p.m.
Where: New Life Church Searcy, 2851 W Beebe Capps Expy.
For Tickets and more information about Live2Lead: Searcy visit https://dcommercial.ticketleap.com/live2lead-searcy/
To watch season 4 of Main Street visit: https://www.deluxe.com/small-business-revolution/main-street/season-four/
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