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Read More about this safari issue.Just like sweet tea, front porch swings and kind manners, barbecue is something in the South is known for. There are plenty of places you can enjoy savory smoked meats, but the Whole Hog Café is a favorite among people everywhere, not just the locals.
While recently traveling through Central Arkansas, we had planned to stop at the end of our long day and enjoy dining at the Whole Hog Café in North Little Rock. One thing I have come to appreciate with children is that at times, plans must change. Since we were running on no naps and a tired almost-two-year-old, I knew takeout was a much better option.
After a phone conversation with the café, we decided to order a Whole Hog Buddy Pak and then add a Whole Hog Rib Plate for everyone to enjoy. They packed us up with paper plates, knives, forks and a few napkins so we were all set to enjoy our meal in our hotel room. The aroma as I walked into Whole Hog Café was delectable. Even if you walked in not feeling hungry, within a few seconds your senses would be telling you otherwise.
I was greeted with a smile and asked if I had previously eaten at the restaurant. While I had not been to this location, I had enjoyed Whole Hog Café in Little Rock and I knew it was finger-licking good. Although I hadn’t ordered any desserts ahead of time, they had several displayed across the counter I couldn’t help but notice. They all looked delicious. The pecan pie and layered strawberry cake were very tempting.
The inside of the café was decorated fittingly in a rustic style and there was the noise of faint music playing in the background as people chatted over their meals. It was a very laid-back atmosphere that I thought was very family-friendly. The entryway is lined with trophies and awards presented for the famous Whole Hog BBQ.
My order was quickly handed to me and we were off to the hotel. As we settled in, the children were quickly making requests. Everyone was hungry and the aroma quickly filled the room.
The pulled pork Buddy Pak was more than enough to feed our family. Some enjoyed the pulled pork with the sweet molasses sauce, while others just enjoyed the smoked meat. It was truly delicious either way. The pork ribs were fall-off-the-bone tender. Everyone enjoyed them and we agreed that on our next visit we will be sure to increase our order.
I have no doubt that we would have enjoyed anything we ordered. All the recipes at Whole Hog Café are 100 percent original and come from the husband and wife team that competed on a World-Championship Barbecue Team for over 30 years. There is no wonder why their entryway is full of trophies and awards. Their “slow food” approach to smoking the meat, hand-rubbing each piece and giving it proper attention all show in their World Championship meats. If you are visiting any of these area in Arkansas, be sure to put Whole Hog Café on your to-do list.
Arkansas locations:
1400 SE Walton Blvd.
Bentonville, AR 72712
5309 Hwy 5 North
Bryant, AR 72022
150 E. Oak St.
Conway, AR 72032
3009 North College
Fayetteville, AR 72703
Fort Smith
4501 Burrough Road
Fort Smith, AR 72916
Little Rock – Hwy 10
14524 Cantrell Road
Little Rock, AR 72223
Little Rock – Cantrell Rd.
2516 Cantrell Road
Little Rock, AR 72202
Little Rock – W. Markham St.
12111 W. Markham St.
Rock Creek Plaza
Little Rock, AR 72211
North Little Rock
5107 Warden Rd
North Little Rock, AR 72116
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[…] Whole Hog Cafe started in 2000 when three friends who loved to barbecue started entering barbecue competitions. They quickly became known for their delicious ribs and opened their first restaurant in Little Rock in 2007. Today, Whole Hog Cafe has over 20 locations across the country, and they’re still serving up some of the best BBQ around. […]