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Read More about this safari issue.In our fast-paced, drive-thru world, the art of a carefully-crafted ice cream sundae or milkshake is lost. Or is it?
Old-fashioned soda fountains dot the Arkansas map from Jasper to McGehee. Many of them offer a full array of delicious menu items like shakes, sundaes, malts, sandwiches, salads, burgers, homemade pies and cakes. So slow down, step back in time, and enjoy a big, gooey, hot fudge-dripping ice cream sundae at one of these Arkansas establishments.
Hot Arkansas summers and cold ice cream treats go hand in hand, so take a break and visit one of these soda fountains soon. You can worry about the calories later. Also, let us know about the soda fountains in your neck of the Arkansas woods.
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[…] in Arkansas food? You won’t want to miss the Top 13 Soda Fountains in Arkansas, 10 Uniquely Arkansas Candy Shops, or one of our favorite restaurants, Tusk & […]