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Read More about this safari issue.Dogwoods and azaleas are blooming all over Harding University’s campus in Searcy, waiting to welcome visitors from all over the country to the 44th occasion of Spring Sing weekend once again. Occurring annually the weekend of Easter, Spring Sing is a full-scale production that showcases the talents, infectious joy and enviable energy of over 1000 students. Groups of students from the university’s social clubs will perform parodies of Broadway shows as they cavort and sing, dressed in elaborate costumes and conveying stories based on this year’s theme of “Curtain Up!” The theme refers simultaneously to theater performance as well as the concept of life as the ultimate stage.
The weekend doesn’t end with the Spring Sing shows, but includes a host of activities for children, prospective students, alumni, parents and grandparents. Several student choirs and music groups have concerts, such as the ten-member a cappella group the Good News Singers, performing with stunning harmonies and playful melodies Friday at 4 p.m. in front of the Benson Auditorium. There are meetings and seminars, art exhibits and the new archeology museum, a bazaar, tours of the Harding History House, tennis and softball games, a play, and more.
Perhaps one of the more amusing events of the weekend is the Knights’ Joust. The Knights, a social club, have held jousts for three decades. What began small and simple has evolved to around 100 men taking turns attacking each other (while riding imaginary galloping horses) with lances, cushioned at the tips and coated with shaving cream to leave evidence of a hit. Participants wear handmade cardboard suits of armor and occasionally carry shields, making the event all the more comical. The joust is held in front of the Genus Athletic Center at 11 a.m. on Saturday.
Several events are geared especially toward children. The Pied Pipers is a comedy theater troupe that performs entertaining and funny skits. Kids will enjoy seeing the Pied Pipers at 11 a.m. in the Heritage Auditorium and afterward, delight in hunting Easter eggs on Harding’s sprawling front lawn at 1 p.m. Browse the schedule for more activities to attend and conclude the weekend celebrating Easter Sunday with a special church service in the Benson Auditorium at 8:15 a.m.
Spring Sing showtimes are Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. A matinee show is also available Saturday at 2 p.m. The production is held in the Benson Auditorium and ticket prices start at $15, available for purchase online, by phone at 501-279-4255, or at the door prior to the show. Every show concludes with a rousing rendition of “United We Stand,” a Spring Sing tradition, and you’ll leave campus encouraged and enlivened whether you attend only one event or a whole weekend’s worth.
All Photos Provided by Jeff Montgomery—Harding University
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[…] Spring Sing at Harding University is a cherished annual tradition that transcends entertainment and embodies the spirit of creativity, collaboration and community. This vibrant event is a meticulously choreographed showcase of student talent, where various social clubs and organizations compete through elaborate, song-and-dance performances. In 2023, Spring Sing performances explored what makes each of us unique and stand out. Stay tuned for the 2024 theme. […]