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Read More about this safari issue.Great news. Holiday House, from the Junior League of Little Rock (JLLR), can take care of it all – whatever kind of shopper you are! Over 4 days, this event brings together vendors from all over the country with the shoppers who are ready to take care of their Christmas lists. It all takes place at the Statehouse Convention Center.
When I asked this year’s Holiday House chair, Elizabeth Clark, about it, she noted, “The great thing about Holiday house is that it is one-stop shopping. Over 180 specialty merchants from across the country are set up in one place so shoppers get a chance to see some really fun and unique merchandise. This is true now more than ever. Since Holiday House 2014 has an earlier date, we were able to add a bunch of new and exciting vendors. It’s a fabulous way to get together with friends and family to start the holiday season.”
And that’s not all. The best part is, it’s a fundraiser for the JLLR, which then uses those funds to benefit all sorts of worthy causes in Little Rock: vehicle safety courses; mentoring; and helping students, the elderly, and the disabled.
Oh, and I almost forgot – it’s a great way to have fun with your friends or family. I have witnessed this personally; for the last few years I’ve been at Holiday House as a vendor, filling in for a friend with a cookie company. In my experience, people are getting some shopping done, and they are making sure they enjoy themselves while they’re at it. And why not? With special events such as Preview Shopping and Ladies Night Out (ahem, that both happen to come with some complimentary beer and wine), Cookies and Milk with Santa, and a Tween Fashion Show, there is something special for every age.
Holiday House 2014 will take place October 29 – November 1 in the Statehouse Convention Center. October 29 is for private / preview shopping and requires an extra ticket purchase, as do some of the other special events. Regular shopping passes begin at $10. Find out more on their Facebook page.
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