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Read More about this safari issue.As Arkansans, we know we have a beautiful state. It is, after all, nicknamed The Natural State. However, not all of us are able to get out and explore as often as we’d like. Thanks to seven Arkansas photographers, we can get a glimpse of what our state has to offer. They explore what we have right in our backyard and share their finds with beautiful images on Instagram. Hopefully, their words and talents give you both inspiration and ideas on where to visit next in our wondrous state. Continue to follow their Instagram pages for up-to-date scenes and catalysts to explore!
Jeff Rose – @thejeffrose
“I love capturing the little details like old man’s beard clinging to a juniper on a bluff-side, or a fern dancing in sunlight under a waterfall. I feel these scenes can make a viewer feel closer to an area than the grand vistas. Arkansas is my home state…I have fallen deeply in love with its natural beauty and hope to capture a little bit of the magic I experience while I’m out here in my photographs to share with others.”
Instagram: @2goodspies
“I’m a Biology Professor at Ouachita Baptist University, live in Little Rock with my wife and [10-year-old] son. I really enjoy hunting waterfalls in the Ozark National Forest, especially waterfalls that are not in the available books and websites that everyone knows about. Rare finds are what I enjoy. I also enjoy beautiful views from the tops of Ozark bluffs at sunrise or sunset. Mountain tops, river bends, or unique rock formations are always nice to include in the shot. What I love about Arkansas is the relatively quick access (2-ish hour drive to most spots I visit) to literally hundreds of beautiful sights, and most of them you have to work for. They aren’t easy to access, so that limits the crowds. I love the solitude of stomping around in the woods, using a good topo map to find promising spots and just heading off on an early Saturday morning to find something new!”
“I’ve learned so much from some of the best explorers and photographers in the state (Dan Frew, Danny Hale and Tim Ernst), as well as have met some phenomenal people in the Arkansas hiking community. Even though I don’t do a lot of group hikes, I get great info and insights from many of them, and I’m so thankful for their friendship and love and respect for the outdoors.”
Instagram: @arkansasadventurer
“I’m an 8th-generation Arkansan who has spent the last seven years immersing myself in nature soaking in all its healing energies. Sharing my love of Arkansas quickly became a passion after I started working my way through Tim Ernst’s “Arkansas Waterfalls” guidebook. There are endless places to visit and things to see in our beautiful state. Most Arkansans have no idea what’s out there, so I’ve made it my mission to give our great state the credit it is most certainly due.”
Instagram: @waterfallsinar, YouTube: @GezRogers
“I’m Gez, and this is Super Leeds, my 7-year-old lab and adventure partner. We love exploring the Arkansas outdoors, sometimes going to new places or often revisiting favorite spots. My outdoorsy adventures really began in earnest as a way to combat the grief I held after the passing of my son. I found the solitude to be much needed and the beauty that Arkansas beholds to be truly inspirational.”
“We love to share pics and clips of our waterfall, river, sunset and sunrise adventures. Many folks aren’t able to get out and about as much as we can, and through our blog page, we are able to bring some of our great state to them. For those who are more able to explore, we hope our travels provide ideas and motivation to visit some of the fantastic outdoor places right here in the natural state!”
Instagram: @jessrosshikes
“I teach 7th grade English in Bryant and have a 10-year-old son named Brody. Growing up in Russellville, I often experienced the beauty of our state with nearby state parks and my grandpa’s influence. Arkansas is truly an underrated state within our country with mountains that I call home. I love being able to showcase its beauty with people from all over specifically the Ozark Mountains and Ouachita Mountains. Hidden gems are scattered throughout around every turn from waterfalls to bluff views to swimming holes. It also doesn’t get better than an Arkansas sunrise or sunset. Nature and hiking are such huge outlets for reflection, peace, and growth for me, and ones I hope to inspire others with. In a time where technology is everywhere, the outdoors teaches us stillness and is an outlet to unplug and reconnect with ourselves and others. Arkansas is the ideal place for this alongside unmatched natural beauty.”
Instagram: @theramseychannel
“Arkansas is such a beautiful state, and there is so much hidden beauty that the trails don’t lead to. From the bluff views, hidden waterfalls, and diverse landscapes we are truly surrounded by amazing scenery perfect in every season.”
Instagram: @wanderthenaturalstate
“I’m passionate about showcasing all Arkansas has to offer because I want to encourage more people to explore their home state, but also showcasing Arkansas so people will visit! Our state is full of hidden gems in outdoor recreation, restaurants, museums, and so much more. If you look at my Instagram account, you’ll see that I love to capture waterfalls and sunsets. Those views leave me in awe of our state every time, and the Creator who made them!”
Make some time this spring to take advantage of our special state. It is easy to become enchanted with the glory of the national parks across America, but we really do have so much to offer right here. If you have a secret little spot in your neck of the woods, let us know in the comments! Arkansas photographers always delight in sharing what Arkansas has to offer.
Photos courtesy of the photographers featured and used with permission. Cover photo courtesy of Jeff Rose.
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Am I to assume only nature photographers are considered?
I know of other photographers who do amazingly wonderful work in other subject matters.
Hi Rick! We are always looking for story ideas, so let us know!