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Read More about this safari issue.This Halloween, Arkansas folks are here to help you step up the costume game in your household or at your job. Ready or not, Oct. 31 creeps around the corner. With these smart dress-up ideas for the night and all the fanfare that comes before, you’re sure to be the envy of neighbors on your dark street or your co-workers at your spooky office. Take a little inspiration and a whole lot of fun with these family and group-themed Halloween costume ideas.
Photo courtesy of artscrackers.com
We begin with a bow to a princess as she glides past in her chariot, courtesy of a pedaling horseman. Alyssa Darby and her husband donned classic clothes from their high school days and the perfect bicycle to pull off a charming theme for their neighborhood’s Halloween costume contest. (They won.)
To build on this idea, all that’s needed is a suit or tuxedo, a dress fit for royalty and the ability to strike a dramatic pose. The bicycle is optional, but be sure to make it home by midnight.
Alyssa’s boys took on a simple school theme: glue and paper. Sometimes, the basics work best.
Photos courtesy of Brittney Lee and James Moore (Busvlogger)
Photo credit: James Moore (Busvlogger) and his Goonies
There’s no question that James and Jamie Moore know just how to bring the 80s into 2019. We’re talking more than turned-up collars and cuffed bleached jeans: this is Halloween magic with cinematic inspiration. For this family of six living in Huntsville, their representation of characters from “The Goonies” movie takes all the cakes. Action-packed and filled with hilarious and unsupervised misadventures of children, the show is celebrated as a classic that the Moore family has kept alive.
Brittney Lee and her co-workers in Fort Smith also took the Hollywood route with the cult classic, “Mean Girls.” What started as a company email about dressing up for Halloween turned into an idea among colleagues, added characters and an invitation to others. All the mean girls (and boys) showed up for work looking the part, but ready to play nice in real life.
For an authentic Hollywood feel, the family and friends won’t need to book celebrities.
Go deep through all the closets and dressers in the house. Check the local thrift store. Pick a flick, grab clothing pieces off the rack to complete your outfit and pass around the hair-styling products. Don’t forget the include the family pig.
Photo courtesy of Brittney Lee
Lee’s family keeps the costume fun alive at her home as well. If you can’t beat the repetitive rounds of the “Baby Shark” tune, you might as well join in the fun.
Photos courtesy of Keisha McKinney
When Dad works for a chicken company, it’s good to hang on to a costume like this. Keisha and Chris McKinney let their little man have plenty of fun getting dressed up as a little chicken. When a surprise visitor showed up to their family’s Halloween party, the family thought they were getting tricked. Turns out, the treat was Grandma, all dressed up as a big chicken to go with the little one. It’s a fun memory for the party guests and the family.
Photo courtesy of Rebekah Thomas
Insurance companies might have us covered with home and auto protection, but the Thomas family in northwest Arkansas has us covered with clever costume ideas. Apron-ready with bright red lipstick, Rebekah Thomas is the doppelganger to Flo, the iconic insurance salesperson from the memorable TV advertisements. With simple clothes, a name badge and a bandage, Jason and son seal the deal as insurance commercial personalities, Mayhem and Jake.
Photo courtesy of Gina Knuppenburg
While Gina Knuppenburg’s parents spent their first year living in Arkansas in a recreational vehicle, it presented a good opportunity for the Quitman resident and her mom, Karen, to don makeup fit for the dead and dress up as an alternative version of the famous country music mother-daughter, The Judds. Those crooning harmonies will never again sound the same to our ears.
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[…] Not to be outdone by the little ones, grownups are also scouring the web in search of fun adult and family-themed costumes. Just because we reach the age where going trick-or-treating is no longer socially acceptable, we […]
Deck the whole family out in a circus theme and your littlest one can dress up as a roaring lion to really complete the look.